Well, this is it - my ONE-YEAR BLOGIVERSARY! I've only done 11 pages so far. Sigh. So many pages to go, and some of them are very challenging or frustrating in one fashion or another. But it is a start at least - one page by one page...
My maternal greatgrandfather, James Grover "Grove" TERWILLIGER, put together a Souvenir Album in the 1890s, including many items from his parents' lives. The Album is 16.5" tall, 11" wide, and 5" thick. I refuse to count the number of pages but it's more than 120 - I think. I keep being distracted by items on the pages, and the pages are quite heavy, as well. One day. Here is the cover on the right:
The Album is quite thick, made of very heavy paper, with items 100% tightly-permanently-glued down on each sheet. It includes symbols cut out of paper/letterheads, tickets, menus, political buttons, wedding invitations, calling cards, and more. I'm determined to inventory the entire album, to record it. Some of the earliest items seem to be from about 1840.
Above is a photo of the book from the side - the bookmark [business card] shows where I'm at right now! The next page will be Page 12.
I hope all of you are enjoying some of the pages - there's something here for everybody. I'd love to dash ahead and show you the menu for a dinner party they had. Or to show you the pages with a very few very old photographs - not labelled of course! And the obituaries which helped me learn about his wife's mother - the ORMSBEE line. Oh, and the page of political buttons and other oddities in the middle of the Album. Fascinating items.
If you would like more information about this Album, or any of the pages detailed to date, please contact me at calewis at telus dot com, or Comment below. Cheers (clink!)...