My great-grandfather, James Grover "Grove" TERWILLIGER, filled this Souvenir Album with a miscellany of ribbons, invitations, stamps, cards, tickets, cut-outs from hotel letterheads, and other items from his travels and his affiliations. Grove TERWILLIGER lived from 1856 to 1929, mainly in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, then later settled in Englewood, Bergen, New Jersey, where he and his wife raised their children.
I will start with the large 4 tickets on the left, from top to bottom first, then the small 3 on the right:
1. Summer Night's Reception of the Attachees of Station H N.Y.P.O. Thursday Eve'g, August 29th, 1878. At Terrace Garden, 58th Street near 3d Avenue. Anyone want to take a guess about who the "Attachees" were? And is this the NY Post Office? Most likely. My great-grandfather worked for the Post Office for some years, then was selected to be the Police Commissioner when he retired.
2. Ladies' Ticket, & 3. Eleventh Season. In COMMEMORATION of the 71st ANNIVERSARY of the BIRTH-DAY of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. RECEPTION, Ninth Ward, [at] IRVING HALL, Thursday Evening, February 12th, 1880 At this time, Lincoln had been deceased almost 15 years, assassinated April 15, 1865. The Ninth Ward is a political division; wards were abolished in 1938, after having been in existence since about 1686 in New York.
4. Fourth Anniversary Ball of WASHINGTON IRVING LODGE, No. 312, I.O.B.B., Saturday Evening, February 17th 1883. At Terrace Garden, 58th Street & Lexington Avenue. The I.O.B.B. is the "Independent Order of B'nai B'rith", the oldest Jewish service organization in the world. I am not certain how my great-grandfather is involved in this organization, except perhaps through friends or colleagues, or through fund-raising efforts. Certainly it could have been through his Free Mason activities, as the I.O.B.B. grew out of a group of Masons, as described in this article.
5. Fourteenth Anniversary LEE LITERARY ASSOCIATION, Dramatic Entertainment and Reception, Thursday Evening, May 6, 1880, at 8 o'clock. At LYRIC HALL, Sixth Ave., bet. 41st and 42d Streets, N.Y. The top left corner has date 1866, top right, 1889. There is an earlier ticket I wrote about in January, Page 15, the #4 ticket - I thought it seemed familiar! The Founder of the Association was Rev. Day Kellogg Lee, 1816-1869 - an interesting write up on the Rev. Lee may be found on this site.
6. Grand Literary & Musical Entertainment, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION of the Madison Avenue Church of the Disciples. Tuesday Ev'ng MAY 27th 1879. At EIGHT o'clock. Madison Ave & 45th St., (Rev. W.R.Davis, Pastor). Admission 25 cents. Unfortunately the church was razed in 1899 after being sold to the Manhattan Athletic Club. You must click on the link to see the amazing and complicated design of this church.
7. GRAND FAIR Afternoon & Evening MADISON AV. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, corner 45th Street. Rev. W.R. Davis, Pastor. Opening Wednesday, December 1st at 8 P.M. Promenade Concert every evening. Season Ticket One Dollar, not transferable. Dec. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th. Although not stated on the ticket, this was in 1880.
If you have more information on any of the people, places or events mentioned above, do let me know below in the Comments, or via calewis at telus dot net. I have been sharing my Souvenir Album more often with friends lately, and indeed - it is a very unique Album. I hope you are enjoying it as well.